And “BOOM” there it was!

There I was putting my son Caden into his tub and scrubbing him with tons of soap, thinking to my self how did I allow this to happen? I never thought in a million years this would happen.

So going back a little bit, if you read my moms post today on her blog then you know that we went to the mall today. It was a mandatory must that I got Wreck this Journal today. I have wanted one for about a week now. So my mom and I decided to go to Barnes and Noble. Caden’s first mall trip. Before we left the house I had taken a picture of him in his car seat and he didn’t look to happy.

Cover of "Wreck This Journal"

Cover of Wreck This Journal. This is what I so badly wanted!

I’m thinking that we were going to the mall just to do a quick run to the book store. Boy was I wrong. Continue reading

The BIG surprise!

April 2011. The month and year I will never forget. My boyfriend and I had some rough times that month. We were an on again off again couple. My parents, of course, saw this as unhealthy for my growth and my future and advised me to just let go. How could I let go of someone who was the first person I ever brought home to meet my parents? The one I have been with for a year and 2 months (at the time)? The one I loved? I couldn’t. So I stayed.

First week of May I started to feel bloated and sick all the time and the smell of food disgusted me. Chris told me I looked like I was gaining baby weight. I blew that comment off cause I knew I couldn’t be. Continue reading

Teenage angst

When my parents first met Chris (my boyfriends name :)) they loved him. They said he was well-mannered and quiet and although he went into his past (a little too much)  they absolutely adored him.

The first few months of us dating were the greatest. Chris would come to my house and help my dad with house work (the kind that males do lol :)), although he didn’t want to, just so that he could come see me and spend a little bit if time with me because I wasn’t allowed to just go out and see him alone yet. For him that was different. He never did that for a girl. If he couldn’t see a girl out side of school or without her parents he wouldn’t even bother. Yet for me he did all that.

He came over for dinner a lot and even for our dinner parties and bbqs. It was like my parents were obsessed with him. Always asking how he was, and when he was coming over, and asked me to have him over almost every weekend. It felt as if I wasn’t in Continue reading

I used to be Obedient.

From the time I was a wee little girl I was always on my best behavior (amazing right). I never got into the kitchen cabinets (hell with me I don’t even think my parents needed to use kitchen cabinet locks). I never got into mommy’s makeup without asking. I always let my mom know if my little brother was into something he shouldn’t be in (like under the kitchen sink where the cleaning supplies were). I also always said please and thank you with a big smile on my face.

I was just the most perfect little angel don’t you think?

As I got older and started going to school I admit I did have a few slip ups in kindergarden with skipping school (yea I know right in KINDERGARDEN) and fibbing (what child didn’t). But really when it came to school I always did what I was told. I made good grades and I was very respectful. At home I cleaned my room when I was told or cleaned my mess in the living room even though I was in the middle of watching a movie.

I was such a obedient child that people Continue reading