My son the flirt

First off for those of you who don’t know I have a one year old son named Caden.

He has very curly hair and beautiful hazel eyes that all the girls drool over. His smile is the sweetest and his personality is even sweeter.


With that said I never realized how much of a flirt my son is until recently.

He has always watched the pretty girls and do his little thing around them but recently he has done more.

The first time was about a week ago. My mom had takin us out for lunch at Apple Bees for my birthday. The waitress was really sweet and she was cute. As she walked away Caden leaned back in his high chair and watched her walk away to get his juice and then started blowing kisses to her and having this little cute bad boy smurk on his face I was so shocked.

The second time was today at my teen 4 teen group that we attend with other teen moms and there kids. There is this little girl that is maybe 2 months younger then Caden and he was kissing her the whole time we were there it was cute but my god he is a flirt!

That is all!!

Im Back!……….Again 0___o

Hello y’all!!

Yes I am back once again. I know it has been awhile. I have been so busy between school work and Caden that all I wanted to do after getting home is sleep. But now I am officially done with school and currently have a job in a OB/GYN office as a Medical Assistant.

In other news I have a new addition to my crew and her name is Cassidy Leanna. She was born last Tuesday, March 12th 2013 which also happened to be 4 days after her daddies birthday and 2 days after mine.

Wow I really dont know what else to say right now I have my hands so busy now with a one year old and a newborn but I just wanted to let you guys know that I am back and its my goal to write at least 1-2 times a week on the babies nap time. (YES! One week down and I have my kids on the same nap schedule and almost the same bedtime schedule to! One proud mama bear 🙂 )

That is all!!

Random Thought

So for the past month I have been working at Wendy’s and yesterday I quit because I hate working fast food and I got a different job at Walgreen’s.

So last night I guess I was spooning my boyfriend and when I took a deep breath in I said it smells like asiago cheese and my boyfriend was like “What?” and I said “I don’t know what im talking about im going back to sleep” Since this all happened while I was asleep.

Come to find out my boyfriend said he was really gassy and that is probably what smelled and I freaked out.

Asiago cheese is the cheese we put in the spicy ceasar salads and it has a spicy smell to it.


That is all!!

Never Goodbye

Since I was just a little girl I have always had troubles with goodbyes. If you didn’t already know because you haven’t read my earlier posts my parents were divorced so my brother and I were forced to go back and fourth from one state to another state every year.

I loved with my dad during the school year and saw my mom every summer, every other christmas and every other spring break.

Going to my moms house I would get so excited. It was never hard to tell my dad goodbye because Continue reading

My Crazy Thoughts

Again I don’t have much to say today but this …


Sometimes when I have a spoon in my hand I just want to throw it at some ones head and say “Oops Im sorry. I didn’t mean to it slipped”. When really it was meant for you and I walk away smiling. 🙂

That is all! 

You must be from planet…HUA!

So my mother got Freshly Pressed this morning (YAY MOM!!) and no I didn’t find out by being on Word Press. I found out after I had just woke up and walked in my room to see my mother crying about how she is going to answer all the comments.

She went all day happily answering them until this came up…

She got so sad and came running to tell me all about it.

So let me say a few things.

1. you just made my world a shit hole
2. Who do you think you are
and finally
3. If you dont have anything nice to say don’t say it at all.

No one told you to read the post and if you didn’t like it no one said you had to lime the post or even comment.

So I know my reply back wasn’t nice but I had to make my momma feel better and it surely did. 🙂

P.S HUA means head up ass fyi.

The Versatile Blog Award

If you are nominated, you’ve been awarded the Versatile Blogger award.

  •  Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
  •  Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy — if you can figure out how to do it.
  •  Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. ( I would add, pick blogs or bloggers that are excellent!)
  •  Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.
  •  Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself. Continue reading

EXTRA EXTRA!!! Read all about it!!

Hello all. I am sorry from being away from you guys for awhile. I haven’t really been in the best of moods lately but IM BACK!!!

So here we go.

So we all know that when Caden was born he was born with six fingers, which means he has extra brain cells so he will be a smartie :). For those of you who didn’t know that little fact now you do.

Anyways I have been waiting patiently to see if these extra brain cells would help Caden learn things faster and guess what he has been doing and he isn’t even 2 months old until thursday?… Continue reading